Thursday, August 18, 2011

Korea fashion

I wrote “I will write about the difference in fashion next” last week. I write about the difference of fashion between Japan and Korea today as I wrote it.

What I was surprised at most is Korean T-shirts cloth is very thin. The cloth for T-shirt is thin, and a T-shirt is transparent.  I want to wear only a T-shirt. But I cannot wear Korean T-shirts because they are thin. A design printed in a T-shirt is good. But cloth is bad.
As for the skirt, a waist is too thin. Korean can wear a thin skirt because they are thin. It is impossible for me to wear it


There are many couples wearing same clothes. Korean couples love matching clothes.They wear matching cap and matching shoes together. I thought that Korean people is strange. I cannot wear matching closes because I am ashamed.

I have not bought any clothes in Korea yet. I do not want to buy it.
I think that Japanese clothes are the best.

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